How to recognise you're a teacher?

Väike ajurünnak teemal kuidas tunda endas ära õpetaja. Eesmärgiks on nimekiri võimalikult detailseks saada seega üleskutse:1) kriitiliselt hinnata kirjas olevaid mõtteid2) lisada nimekirja vähemalt 1-2 uut mõtet1. You always talk about school.2. You are actually pleasantly surprised if your friends invite you to fun activities from time to time.3. Whatever happens during the weekend, on Monday afternoon you always feel the same.4. Most of your sentences end with a question mark.5. If someone asks you a question, you desperately look for a blackboard.6. You carry a red pen with you just for case.7. You make short sentences.8. You grin if someone asks you what do you do on your spare time.9. You are adept at noticing errors around you.10.Your spouse starts telling strangers how hard teachers work.11.Your kids tell you to stop using your teacher voice.12.You have a problem with following obscure guidelines.13.You always prepare plan A,B,C,D...14.In the morning, you have almost no glue regarding how your day will look like.

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